Driven and optimistic communications professional
Resume, hobbies, etc.

Personal Career Goals
Help an organization become entirely waste-free.
I am currently on the personal journey of building a waste-free lifestyle, and I am educating myself on the best practices to lower my carbon footprint. However, I know that even if each individual reduces their carbon footprint, it is businesses doing the most damage to the environment. I believe that helping an organization become waste-free will help that business to save money, find a niche that increases its brand equity, and build sustainable profits, all while protecting the future of our world.
Work abroad for an international brand.
I have not yet had the opportunity to travel abroad but can recognize the importance of it nonetheless. I would be extremely privileged to experience the lifestyles of another culture, and possibly learn another language. I believe that having the opportunity to spend time working abroad would put me on a path for tremendous personal growth and allow for my creativity to flourish.
Start my own nonprofit focused on the intersectionality between gender inequality, race issues, and the environment.
I am extremely passionate about these issues and how they intersect with each other. One idea of how I would focus on the intersection of these issues is through the reformation of sex education in public schools. Another is fast fashion. I would love to discuss these issues with you, should you be interested or want to know more.